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Acupuncture originates from traditional Chinese medicine practices dating back over 3000 years. It is based on the ancient Chinese philosophy of yin and yang energies which are thought to comprise the entirety of the natural world including the human organism. When yin and yang energies are balanced in the body, Qi (our life force) flows harmoniously and health flourishes. When yin and yang energies are unbalanced, the flow of Qi is obstructed and disease results.

Qi travels through several meridians, 12 main meridians, which communicate and are influenced by one another. Acupuncture balances Qi by either stimulation flow where it is hindered or by decreasing flow where there is excess.

Western medicine became interested in this ancient medicine in the late 1600’s. More recently western studies have substantiated the efficacy of acupuncture and attribute its success to the influence it specifically has on the endocrine and nervous systems.

Because acupuncture is holistic there are innumerable conditions for which it can be successfully applied. Because of its effect on the endocrine and nervous system, it is especially effective at decreasing inflammation, pain management and balance of the body’s internal homeostasis. 

Acupuncture in Stony Plain

Conditions We Treat

  • Low Back Pain and Dysfunction
  • Thoracic Spine Pain and Dysfunction
  • Cervical spine Pain and Dysfunction
  • Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist/Hand Pain and Dysfunction
  • Hip, Knee, ankle and Foot Pain and Dysfunction
  • Muscle and Myofascial Sprains and Strains
  • Tendonitis and Tendinosis
  • Sports Related Injuries
  • Injury from Motor Vehicle Accidents
  • Headache and Migraine Conditions
  • Pre and Post Surgical Conditions
  • Chronic Pain
  • Neurological Impairments and Disease
  • Autoimmune Diseases
  • Dislocations